Fund Raiser
Bulk Candy/Toy Vending
Do you have a favorite charity or non-profit organization? How would you like to give back in a way that will not cost you anything but two square feet of space in your business?
If you answered yes, then bulk candy/toy vending may be what you are looking for. We will deliver the candy machine to your location and pay you 20% gross commission. Best of all, you don’t have to wait to get paid. We count the money on site and you are paid on the spot.
We will place a machine in as many locations as you need. The machines are serviced monthly. This gives the machine enough time to collect a significant number of quarters in between visits. So don’t hold off any longer. Start collecting money for your organization today.
After making your request, you will receive a machine within 1-3 business days. And don’t worry. These machines take up very little space and they require no electricity. We look forward to serving you this week.
Call or text: 919-607-5005. If you send a text, insert "Fund Raiser" in the subject line.